3d printers 2014
The print volume is small, at 4 x 4 x 4 inches, although a $139
expansion unit increases this to 7.2 by 4 by 5.5 inches. There is also
no stand-alone printing: It has to be driven by a computer. But the
Simple Maker provides an easy, low-cost introduction to the world of 3D
printing without laying down a lot of cash.
Cubify Cube 3
3D printing can be complicated, so it's best to start out with a straightforward printer. Priced at "under $1,000" (all the manufacturer has said so far), the Cubify Cube 3 is one of the simplest printers available. The company puts the filament (either ABS or PLA) in a sealed cartridge that is available in 20 colors, and is easy to change. The system also provides software that outlines a step-by-step approach to printing. The package includes plenty of premade digital designs to customize and print. At $1,000 or less, the Cube 3 is competitively priced against similar (though less polished) printers like the Solidoodle 4th generation. The Cube is also safe for kids to use.
Because there's no heated print bed, you won't have to worry about
burned fingers. Plus, the prints are easy to remove from the print bed.
The Cube connects to computers over Wi-Fi, making it simple to share
designs among multiple PCs.
The Cube's simplicity has its downsides. You have to buy Cubify's
filament cartridges, which cost a little more than generic spools and
come in only five colors. And Cubify's 90-day warranty is short for a
printer designed to handle the rough and tumble of family or educational
use. Overall, though, this printer's simple, user-friendly design and
software make glitches much less likely.
The printer is due soon, but hasn't yet gone on sale.
MakerBot Replicator 5th Gen
Estimated price: $2900
The latest generation of MakerBot's Replicator 3D printer takes the
promise of plug-and-print to a new level by increasing the size,
resolution and speed of prints. This model increases the maximum print
size from older replicators to 9.9 x 7.8 x 5.9 inches, a total of 456
cubic inches, and ups the accuracy, with a minimum layer size of 0.1mm.
MakerBot also claims that the 5th generation version prints 11 percent
faster than the previous edition. A built-in webcam on this $2,899 3D
printer allows you to monitor the build process from a PC or smartphone,
and an enclosed build space means fewer printing smells and prints
spoiled by drafts. MakerBot has focused on printing with PLA for this
generation of its devices, and has also added a 3-inch LCD screen to
make it easier to use the printer as a stand-alone device. The
Replicator can also be controlled over USB and Ethernet connections,
with a Wi-Fi option coming soon. So if you just want a printer that you
can plug in and use without hassle, the 5th Gen Replicator is our pick.
MakerGeeks RepRap Mini Kossel
Estimated price: $800
If you want to really understand how 3D printers work, you can't beat
the experience of building your own. The most interesting DIY 3D printer
at the moment is the RepRap Mini Kossel. This 3D printer is a delta
design, meaning three motorized arms move the print head in three
dimensions, rather like a spider hanging from its web. Since the Mini
Koessel is a completely open-source design, freely available plans
document everything you need to know about how to build the device. You
can buy the parts at a hardware store, or 3D print them from the
provided files.
You don't have to go that route, though: MakerGeeks sells a kit of the
3D-printed plastic parts for $70 and the electronics for $490. Add in a
few easily available nuts, bolts and beams for the frame, and you have
all you need to build your own 3D printer and learn a lot in the process
— all for a total cost of less than $900

Stratasys Mojo
Small businesses and serious hobbyists who use a 3D printer on a daily basis need a model that is reliable and offers very good tech support if it breaks. Stratasys Mojo is the best pick for its excellent support, which includes onsite service and easy supply ordering. That all comes at a price, though: a hefty $9,995.
The Mojo prints using ABSPlus thermoplastic, which Stratasys claims is stronger and lighter than normal ABS, so it is suited for making complex and larger objects. The Mojo can also simultaneously print with a water-soluble support material called SR-30, which provides support for complex objects during printing. When the print is complete, the support material can be quickly dissolved with water. The Mojo includes a washer that does this automatically, so you don't even need to get your hands wet.
Hyrel E2 Hobbyist
Estimated price: $2300
If you want to push the boundaries of 3D printing, the Hyrel Hobbyist is
the model for you. This new printer supports up to four extruders, so
you can print multiple copies of objects at once, or print with multiple
materials or colors in one object. And it goes beyond standard ABS and
PLA plastic. The optional EMO25 extruder can handle materials like
air-dried clay, silicone, Play-Doh or Sugru, which makes flexible
objects. (However, these materials are experimental and not widely
tested.) The company is also experimenting with other materials such as
nylon. These extruders can also be quickly swapped out, so the E2
Hobbyist is somewhat future-proof.
The E2 Hobbyist is reasonably priced for all those capabilities: $2,145,
which includes one extruder. Each EMO25 extruder is an additional $200,
or $250 for the pro model with five nozzles. An all-in-one version of
the printer with a built-in PC (the E3) starts at $2,345.
There are caveats: Hyrel is a new, unproven company, and models are
available only on a pre-order basis, with a backlog of several weeks,
But the E2 Hobbyist is by far the best option for those who want to
experiment with printing materials beyond basic plastic.

RoboX 3D Printer
Estimated price: $1349
CES 2014 was the debutante’s ball for a lot of 3D printers, but the one
that rose to the top was the RoboX, a new printer from CEL UK. Coming
off a hot Kickstarter campaign, this 3D printer takes a new approach to
using plastic filament to print: using two differently shaped nozzles.
These are the business end of the printer, where the plastic gets
squirted out to create the object. Existing FDM (Fused Deposit
Manipulation) printers use one fixed nozzle, which partly determines the
thickness of the printing layer.
The RoboX uses two: a large one with a hole of 0.8mm diameter that
deposits lots of plastic for thick layers (and quick printing), and a
smaller 0.3mm diameter one that deposits less plastic, for thinner
layers. Combine these and you get the best of both worlds: quick
printing of parts like internal supports that aren’t visible, and more
precise printing of the delicate details on the outside surface of the
print. The company has also designed an interchangeable print head
system, which, they claim, will allow them to add support for printing
in other materials, or to subsequently add completely new features such
as 3D scanning. Priced at $1,349 and available in the first quarter of
this year, the RoboX looks like a promising printer that takes a
different approach than most of the ones currently on offer.

Pegasus Touch Printer
Estimated price: $3300
3D Printers that use the STL (STereo Lithography) printing are typically
expensive, because the technology is complicated. However, a new
entrant to the 3D printer market is promising to bring down the cost.
The Pegasus Touch printer from Full Spectrum Laser (who make laser
cutters) is promising to being down the cost of these very accurate
printers by offering an STL printer for around $2,249. The Pegasus
printer uses the same technology as its more expensive siblings,
building objects from a polymer resin using a blue light laser that
solidifies the resin, building the object layer by layer.
The Pegasus Touch has an impressive set of features, including a 7 by 7
by 9-inch build volume and a built-in Linux computer that controls the
printing process and makes it a stand-alone device. This means it can
print directly from a 3D model without requiring a separate computer to
create the printing path. As the name implies, it also includes a touch
screen that allows you to control the printer directly, as well as
Gigabit Ethernet. The company will be selling the resin used to print
models in a variety of colors and textures, at a cost of $100 per
kilogram. The Pegasus Touch will be shipping in July, although April
shipping is available for those who pay more. After the Kickstarter
campaign completes, the Pegasus Touch will be available for a price of